Wednesday, June 24, 2009

+ Ponpondou UNCUT SETs +

This time you get something SPECIAL! Did you remember
my less-censored ponpondou-Set? I got many of them and
new ones uncut and nearly 40% are animated!! You know that
most of hentai is censored in the net, but this artist hide his uncut
gems packed in flash-bounce-games! I played them and got all the
good ones and packed them in 2 rar-Files - the animated und the
normal uncut picture, that are with different hot variations :)
You hopefully enjoy it ^_° (It took me a lot of time...)

A sample of the uncut-pictures:

I split them in to rar-Files:

1. the uncut animated:
(157(!) GIFs, high quality, 28.2MB)

2. the uncut not animated:
(261(!) picture, high quality, 49.9MB )

(password for both: 7gc7)

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