Monday, October 13, 2014

Pinoytoons work +++(+ ^_°)

After introducing you Aurils whorecraft, there is another one who could/should get more supporters/patreons. I just want you to introduce pinoytoons alias Reynald Peter Sandel. For me he is one of the best 2D Flash Artists of the world, barelly seems to get any attention he deserves. Only 42 patreons, for a man of his category is not enough...

support him here: pinoytoons on patreon

Flash example: halina mini H-game

and finally here you get his current shared work:

(29 pics & 28 Flashs, HQ, 72,2MB)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Contingency's Work +++

another preview:

(65 pics, HQ, 30,8MB)

Sry for my absence. Here you get one of my fav artist. He has a dirty mind, like myself too. Enjoy ^_°

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lusty Lizard XXX +++

another preview:
(6-Flashgames, HQ+, 22,4MB)

Monday, April 7, 2014

back with Vempire's work ++

Pls excuse my long time abstinence. I'm back but with lesser or non text. Just great artist by a big porn art fan. No time for description. Just enjoy and support the creators ;) Thanks for downloading - happy fapping ^^
another preview:

 (164 pics, 1 Flash, HQ, 99MB)